The Peninsula Chamber of Commerce has today backed Central Coast Council’s decision at Tuesday night’s Council meeting to purchase the old factory units on the corner of Rawson Road and Ocean Beach Road at Woy Woy as part of the Rawson Road/Ocean Beach Road intersection upgrade.
“This was a bold but prudent decision by the Council to acquire the old factories at #48 Ocean Beach Road which were due to go to auction later this month”, said Peninsula Chamber of Commerce President Matthew Wales.
“The securing of this property is vital as a construction site for the planned intersection upgrade which is due to commence in 2025”.
“Without this property, the Federally funded intersection works would be extremely difficult and more costly to undertake through the lack of immediate storage and operational space”, said Matthew Wales.
“This decision comes despite the fact that Central Coast Council has yet to receive the $32M in Federal funds promised by the former Federal Member for Roberton Lucy Wicks and subsequently supported by the current Federal Member for Robertson Gordon Reid”.
“The Council has been forced to purchase the property from ratepayers’ funds in the expectation (and hope) that the Federal funds materialise”, said Matthew Wales.
“The Chamber has been repeatedly re-assured by the Federal Member for Robertson Gordon Reid that the funds are “in the budget” for 2025 but this decision to purchase still carries an element of risk”.
“The Chamber remains concerned that not only if the funds will be forth-coming but will the $32M will be sufficient to cover the expected cost of the major intersection works considering that the budget estimates are already 3 years old“, said Matthew Wales.
“With the escalating cost of construction, the last thing we want to see is a shortfall in funding when works finally get underway”.
“It would seem prudent that those costs be reviewed now bearing in mind the time delay in commencing works which would allow the Federal Government to make budget adjustments if required”, said Matthew Wales.
“Notwithstanding, we welcome the Council’s decision which demonstrates its commitment to the project and the easing of traffic congestion at this crucial intersection on the long term”.