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The Peninsula Chamber of Commerce has today expressed disappointment over the draft 2024-2025 Operational Plan with little or no funding for the reconstruction of Peninsula Roads.

“It is a constant source of frustration that despite over 80% of our Peninsula roads being without kerb and gutter, no footpaths and inadequate stormwater drainage, the Draft Operational Plan for 2024-2025 makes no allocations for road reconstruction”, said Peninsula Chamber President Matthew Wales.

“Other than general allocations towards road patching and resealing, the Council has no plans to reconstruct our key roads despite an increase in development and more people choosing to live on the Peninsula”.

“The Draft Operational Plan cleverly defines road patching and resealing as road renewal. Council plans considerable resealing works for 2024-2025 including Rabaul Street”, said Matthew Wales.

“But really, this is simply covering up the problem with bitumen without addressing the fundamental need to reconstruct our key roads with kerb and gutter, stormwater drainage and pedestrian footpaths”.

“No-one begrudges money spend on maintenance but reviewing the Council’s Four Year Works Program 2024-25 to 2027-28 is grim reading”, said Matthew Wales.

“Other than the promised Federal funding for the Ocean Beach Road/Rawson Road intersection, there are no Peninsula Roads listed for reconstruction works”.

“Yet frustratingly we see millions of dollars being poured into parks, reserves and community buildings across the city including a whopping $9.45M to refurb the Wyong Council Chambers over the next four years”, said Matthew Wales.

“It would seem ironic that we are spending millions of ratepayers money on wonderful shiny assets but get lost in potholes trying to get there”.

“What is apparent from the Works Program is the absence of Peninsula developer contributions for road works”, said Matthew Wales.

“At a time when we are seeing a resurgence in our Peninsula town centres, Council should be allocating more funding towards civil infrastructure in support of local businesses and residents”

Erin Ritchens